Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Antioch University: Mr. STONEking At The Fire! announcement

In keeping the tradition of Native American story-telling, At The Fire!, the second EP installment from Mr. STONEking, sends everyone on a historic journey.  Grab your purple socks and purple haze for this three-track digital EP.

Its opening track,"Crazy Horses" heeds with its prophetic warnings.  Allow the Magic Hands of Mr. STONEking to hypnotize its message into your fiber.  

Next, hop on-board for a quick dream trip on the bus to "Indian Lake", where you'll meet Chief Walking Proof.  Filmed on location at Indian Lake, Ohio, on July 2th (pronounced 'tooth'), this footage sent admitted concerns to those familiar with the occurrences at Indian Lake later in the afternoon.

Finally, the political warpath of "Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)" in its video commentary sends a blatant message to all registered voters.

Download Mr. STONEking At The Fire! from:

Visit Mr. STONEking's official home, STONEking's Island.

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